Henrietta’s Black Life Matters

Hello everyone!

I hope you are having a wonderful Friday and that you are as excited about this blog post as I am. This is my first multimedia blog and I am very proud of the final product. Below you will find my video analysis of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks through the post colonial perspective theory.

What did you think? Do you believe that Henrietta’s treatment would have been different if she would had been white?

P.S. Stay tuned because later on today I will be posting another blog! #twoinoneday

Emily Kacer

Works Cited

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2 thoughts on “Henrietta’s Black Life Matters”

  1. Hello Emily, I found that you did an amazing job on this blog post! The novel you are reading sounded even more invigorating with your analysis of its relation to the feminism literary criticism. Using the backgrounds of your slides to demonstrate the overtaking of Caucasians was very well done! I enjoyed your expansion on the different ways in which Caucasians took over things; in school, work, housing, and so on. The background music you used also helped further enhance the pain and suffering that Henrietta endured. In the end, I liked the point you made by saying that Henrietta’s plea was finally heard, but through the voice of a Caucasian woman. Do you think that if the Lacks were not as close a family as they were that their goal to let the world know what happened to their mother would be as strong?


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